Sunday, November 30, 2008


Below is the Masjid (Mosque) Census Study form currently being sponsored by CAIR, ISNA, MANA, etc... Interns/volunteers are routinely paid $10.00 per each one they conduct. Some have reported to me the 'Mosque Study" is a joke at best. Many of the Imams or leaders at mosque do not want to speak with CAIR. Many give only partial information, and the interns rush through them because they do not take them seriously. For instance in the last few months CAIR has conducted only a handful. When the mosque study is released there is little doubt it will be called a success by CAIR, MANA, and ISNA. Many Imams are very critical of CAIR. The mosque study is in my opinion just another fraud by these organizations.

U.S. Masjid Census 2008
Code: _____
CAIR, ISNA, Imam W. Deen Mohammed (Mosque Cares), Imam Siraj Wahhaj (MANA) and many other Muslim leaders and organizations are sponsoring a census of all Masjids in America. The ultimate purpose of this historic study is to generate accurate figures on the American Muslim community. This questionnaire can be completed by the leader of your masjid, a staff member or any well-informed member. Your answers are totally confidential. This census form can be completed online at using the code number on the top of this page. You can also fill out the survey and mail it to CAIR, 627 New Jersey, Washington, DC 12345.

Name of your masjid _____________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________ City __________________ State _____ Zip _____

Your name____________________________ Position at masjid___________Phone __________

In what year was your masjid organization founded? (Please estimate if you are not sure) ______________________

At a typical Jum’ah Prayer, what is the total attendance—including men, women and children? _____________________

Of the total attendance at Jum’ah Prayer, how many are
a. Men ________ b. Women ________ c. Children ________

What is the language or languages used for the main message of the Jum’ah Khutbah? (Mark more than one if necessary)
1 English
2 Arabic
3 Urdu
4 Other _____________________

What is the ethnic breakdown of the regular participants in your masjid activities such as Jum’ah Prayer and Sunday activities? (Give percentages for each; make sure the percentages equal 100%)
1 South Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Afghani) ________
2 African American ________
3 Arab ________
4 African (sub-Saharan) ________
5 Albanian ________
6 Bosnian ________
7 Caribbean ________
8 Hispanic/Latino ________
9 Southeast Asian (Malaysian, Indonesian, Philippine) ________
10 Turkish ________
11 White American ________
12 Other ____________________ ________
13 Other ____________________ ________

TOTAL 100%
Over…Questionnaire continues on the back
Approximately how many Muslims are associated in any way with the religious life of your masjid? Please include adults and children, as well as both regular and irregular participants. ________________________

Was your present masjid
1 Built by the Muslim community
2 Purchased
3 Rented
4 A room or musallah provided by a university or business
5 Other (please explain) ___________________________

For the daily salah, do women make salah behind a curtain, partition or in another room?
1 Yes 2 No

Is the Imam of the masjid
1 Full-time paid
2 Part-time paid
3 Volunteer
4 Temporary/interim
5 Don’t have an Imam

How many paid staff positions do you have in your masjid—counting your Imam but not counting the staff of your full-time Islamic school, if you have one?
How many full-time paid ________
How many part-time paid ________

On your governing board, do you have any
Young adults (18-30) 1 Yes 2 No
Women 1 Yes 2 No

During the past 12 months, has your masjid participated in or sponsored any of the following programs or activities?
Interfaith program or activity 1 Yes 2 No
Open house for the public to visit the masjid 1 Yes 2 No
Voter registration 1 Yes 2 No
Politician or political candidate speaking at the masjid 1 Yes 2 No
Youth group 1 Yes 2 No
Women’s group 1 Yes 2 No

13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Neutral
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Not sure
a. Muslims should participate in
the political process 1 2 3 4 5

b. Muslims should be involved in community
projects that help Muslims and non-Muslims 1 2 3 4 5

14. Do you consider your masjid Sunni or Shi’ite.
1 Sunni 2 Shi’ite 3 Other __________________

Islamic Jihadists from Pakistan send Materials to U.S.

Islamic Jihadists from Paksitan and their supporters distribute their materials throughout America everyday. The materials explain their ideology to Muslims in America. Many Imams and Islamic scholars then distribute the Jihadists books to their worshippers. Why is this allowed? Ask our President, ask our CIA, ask the FBI, ask our Congressmen and Senators. Many Muslims who would otherwise practice their religion without the violent aspects of Sharia Law, are being encouraged by Jihadists from Pakistan to commit violence against non Muslims and Muslims who do not agree with them.

During the last 4 years I have visited hundreds of Islamic centers and collected thousands of books, DVDs, and audio tapes advocating terrorism in America. I have included a copy of a sampling in this blog.

If Americans want to be the victims of Islamic Jihadists attacks, simply continue allowing the material into our country. Your children will at some time or another in the near future become their victims. It is time Americans demand the Jihadists materials not be allowed in our country. Otherwise do not be surprised when they attack our beautiful country again. respectfully, Dave Gaubatz

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Does CAIR send 'Spies' To Homeland Security meetings ?

The following are notes taken by an alleged 'CAIR SPY' who attended the meeting below. A former CAIR Associate provided the documents because they do not want 'secret operations' being conducted against the U.S. Government in order to influence future laws. The following are their (CAIR) notes of the meeting. Do they respect Lieberman? You need to determine from their notes if CAIR intends to "recruit" Senator Collins and Senator Voinovich (Refer to CAIR's remarks at the end of the notes). This report is similar to ones we would conduct (while I was a Federal Agent) on our enemies and people who supported them. We would have people infiltrate the particular group, and then write a report. Subsequently the report was sent to our analysts, then operations began from these. What type operation does CAIR have in the works??? Respectfully, Dave Gaubatz

"Senate Committee Hearing
Department of Homeland Security
Dirksen, SD-342, 9:30 a.m
"The Roots of Violent Islamist Extremism and Effort to Counter It"
Committee Members
Senate Chair, Senator Joseph Lieberman
Ranking Member, Senator Susan Collins
Senator George Voinovich
Panel 1
Maajid Nanaz is the Director of the Quillam Foundation.
His testimony focused on defining Islamists and Islamic political ideology. He stated that the
individuals who become Islamists a share common goal of establishing Sh'ariah Law globally.
Individuals who do not share this belief are seen by Islamists as un-Islamic. Individuals who do
choose the radical path all share this ideology but have also experienced personal grievances.
He referenced several personal grievances he experienced during his youth in England and how
he was able to avoid the extremist path. He stated that individuals who did experience
grievances, such as discrimination, violent acts, and racism, are more susceptible to being
recruited into the extremist path. He argued that Islamists are able to reframe the personal
grievances experienced by recruits to gain support for the Islamists political ideology. In the case of England, he also found that much of the youth that turned toward the extremist path were confused as to how they fit into the western culture. Many of them are confused on how to define themselves, "Muslim" or "English," and how they can continue to remain modern without giving up their Muslim religion or identity. Therefore individuals who do experience an identity crisis look towards individuals who can provide them with guidance and advice during their time of confusion. Many may look towards religious leaders, but many of those leaders, at least for the case of England, tend to share the Islamists ideology. This is because these individuals are often
trained in areas such as Pakistan where this ideology is prevalent and preached in "Islamic"
schools. Also he notes that many of the Imans in England are not able to clearly communicate or
relate to the younger generation. Therefore individuals who are experiencing an identity crisis do not have proper guidance or mentors who can assist them. When asked how he was able to
avoid taking the extremist path, he stated that it was because he how good mentors. He also
agreed with Baran's statement that non-violent Islamists organizations can become radical
Dr. Peter Mandaville is an Associate Professor of Government and Politics at George
Mason University
He agreed with Mr. Nanaz's testimony. Dr. Mandaville used the situation of the Muslim
population in England to explain the path the individuals take to embrace radical views and join
radical organizations. He went on to point out the younger generation of Muslims in England view their parent's practices of Islam as un-modern and therefore try to adopt a view of Islam for the modern world. He also stated that Muslims in America are less likely to adopt or pursue radical ideals because there is less fractionalization as compared to European Muslims. This is because the U.S. does a better job of helping immigrants integrate into society because Americans are more welcoming and open to different cultures and backgrounds. He does warn that if we can not give Muslims the perception that they are being singled out, but instead that they have an active voice in the role their government and country plays in the world. If we fail to do this, then we are in danger of replicating the situation in England. He went on to include key factors that contribute to the radicalization of an individuals views. He did not agree with Baran's statement that organizations, such as CAIR, should not be engaged in the political process and had ties to Islamist organizations and other radicals.
Zeyno Baran is a Senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.
Baran's testimony opened with discussing the religion of Islam does not cause individuals to
adopt radical views. She went on to state that Islam is compatible with the west. She agreed
with Mr. Nanaz that it is the political ideology and the belief that one must adopt Sh'ariah law.
Her testimony mostly consisted of expressing concern over how many of the organizations, such
as ISNA and CAIR, which exist in America, share the Islamists' ideology. She claimed and
warned that CAIR in particular had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb ut-Tahri (HT). She argued that CAIR masks itself as a Civil Rights Advocacy group but actually has its own political
agenda to establish the ideology that the above radical groups share. She stated that non-violent
Islamist organizations like CAIR are likely to become radicallslamist organizations. Mr. Nanaz
agreed with this statement, but did not mention CAIR in particular. When asked which
organizations she suggests the government should work with, she was unable to name specific
organizations. She even stated that the Civil Rights cases that CAIR does take on involve
individuals who share the Islamist ideology. She warned against CAIR's recent involvement with the FBI in providing an educational workshop for its agents. She mentioned that many
government officials, including past presidents, have worked with organizations such as CAIR.
She stated that the government should not align itself with CAIR but should seek alternative
organizations that do not have a political agenda and are not tied to Islamist radicals. She did
mention vaguely about women's organizations but again did not give specific names of any
organization. She later retracted some of her statements about CAIR by stating that it was not
the individuals that work at CAIR who share the Islamist ideology but the leadership that started the organization and continues to oversee it. Other panel members were skeptical about her claims against CAIR. Senator Voinovich made a point to tell Ms. Baran that he does not share her views concerning CAIR. He stated that he has worked closely with CAIR's Ohio chapter and had a very positive experience with the organization. Senator Lieberman seemed very interested in Ms. Baran's statements about CAIR and seemed to put more weight on her statements against the group compared to the rest of the panel. Senator Collins did ask questions about continuing relations with organizations, such as CAIR. She seemed somewhat concerned about Ms. Baran's statements, but more open and cautious then Senator Lieberman.
Dr. Fathali Moghaddan is a Professor of Psychology at Georgetown University.
His testimony emphasized that although ideology is a necessary condition for radical behavior, it
is not a sufficient condition. He stated that it is necessary to realize and take into account
different experiences that can lead one to choose a radical path. He noted such experiences
such as economic deprivation and political instability can have an effect on an individual's
decision making process. He stated that at present American Muslims are not as susceptible to
adopting radical behavior given that their situation differs from their European counterparts.
American Muslims are generally more educated, financially better off, and more integrated in
society than European Muslims. He also noted that the distance between America and radical
hotspots, such as in Pakistan also plays an important role in lessening the likelihood of an
American Muslims to embrace radical ideology. He did state that although this does paint a
positive picture concerning American Muslims and their probability of adopting radical ideology,
we still need to continue efforts in maintaining and preventing adopting of these ideals in the
future. He noted that it is important to include women in the process of countering terrorism. He believes women playa central role in countering terrorism and therefore we should help in
improving their rights.
Panel 2
Michael Leiter is the Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
He went of the basic structure of his organization. He was asked several questions concerning
the points brought up in the previous panel. He stressed the importance of including all
organizations in the process of countering terrorism, regardless of their beliefs or goals. He
stated that it is unrealistic to think that you can only work with organizations that share the same beliefs of the U.S. government. He also stated that NCTC is in the process of establishing new partners with non-government offices and Muslims in the U.S. He also made a point to state that it is unfair to target Islam as the enemy. Terrorism is committed by individuals who are of
different religious backgrounds and therefore the counterterrorism tactics need to be applicable to all types of terror.
Notes by CAIR:
Senator Joseph Lieberman
I believe that he made up his mind before he came to the hearing and was happy to hear criticism on Muslim organizations from Ms. Basam.
Senator Sue Collins
Struck by comments from Ms. Basam but is definitely more open than Senator Lieberman. I think it would be good to try to establish some type of relationship with her.
Senator George Vinovich
He was very surprised by Ms. Basam's comments and was ready to defend CAIR. I think we
should definitely work with him in the future. He seems very interested in educating himself more about the issue at hand and would be a great ally to have, especially on the Republican side".

Friday, November 28, 2008

Islamic Terrorism (The truth Americans are not told)

The terrorist events in India are tragic, but not unexpected. An issue that needs to be clarified to the American public is that often the media, so called counter-terrorism experts, and politicians, intentionally and unintentionally confuse the public about Islamic terrorist groups.

A key indicator when the media, CT experts, and politicians are either lying to you or are simply ignorant is when they begin rattling off names of Islamic terrorist groups who may or may not be behind an attack such as in India. People need to begin focusing on the violent aspects/ideology of Islam instead of names of groups who come and go. Every Isalmic 'Jihadist' has the same ideology and support of terror against non Muslims and Muslims who do not share their belief of the institution of Sharia Law. The Islamic Jihadists support terrorism by the tongue (verbal support), pen (written support), and through the hand (physical Jihad).

One can understand who supports Islamic terrorists by listening and watching the words/actions of such terror supporters here in America such as numerous Imams, Islamic scholars, and/or Islamic groups hiding behind the veil of our U.S. Constitution. To the Islamic Jihadists and their supporters there is only 'One Islam', 'One God', and 'One Ummah' (Nation). There is no respect, caring, or unity of others who do not conform to their ideology. The simplest way to sum up the ideology of Islamic Jihadists is with President Bush's famous quote, "either your with us or you are against us". If you are against the exact ideology of Islamic Jihadists, you can and will likely become one of their victims. Respectfully, Dave Gaubatz

A Common Denominator

Question: What do Daniel Pipes, Michael Savage, Steve Emerson, John Loftus, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Dave Gaubatz and others have in common?

Answer: CAIR has and will continue to use intimidation, harassment, name calling, law suits, and likely more to stop them from bringing forth the truth about "pseudo" Islamic organizations such as theirs who are organized under non profit guidelines to help the Muslim people, yet behind the scenes they are as many have said, "hijacking" their religion. CAIR, MANA, MSA, ISNA, and others promote hatred and violence against non Muslims and even Muslims who do not hold their same violent ideology.

What can you do? Continue supporting them.

Why? Because they know what is happening in India can happen any day in America. They have the talent to obtain intelligence on these groups and work with law enforcement to hopefully prevent such attacks. America has the best law enforcement and military, but they are not currently trained properly to understand the mindset of people with an ideology like Imam Siraj Wahhaj (MANA and Imam in Brooklyn, NY). 99.9% of LE and military would not recognize his name, yet Siraj is one of the most extreme advocator of violence and likely the most dangerous man in America. Respectfully, Dave G...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

4R Children of All Races, Cultures, and Religions

If you are not willing to sacrifice your time and your life 4R children, then you are against the values of an American.
If you are attempting to change the American way of life by turning our country into a socialist, communist, or a country governed by Sharia Law, you and your organizations will be exposed.
This picture is what my work is all about. Children of all races, cultures, and religions do not start wars and are always the victims of war.

This is a photograph of a Christian American child, and on each side are Muslim Iraqi children. They live in America and it is our obligation as adult Americans to make it a safe place for them.
Organizations such as CAIR, MSA, MANA, ISNA, and a host of others boast about representing the Muslim people in America. They are frauds and will one by one be exposed. Muslims in America need an organization that will truly represent them and not victimize them. The organization should be void of political motives. Victimize the Muslim people who want to live in America, be American, and love our country, and it is my promise I will spend everyday tracking your every move. Ask CAIR Executives for verification. Respectfully, Dave Gaubatz

Friday, November 14, 2008

4 America

Conducting first-hand counter-terrorism research to prevent another terrorist attack in America.