Dr. Aminah B. McCloud Religious Studies Office: 2327 N. Racine Ave, #104Office Phone: 773/325-1290 DePaul University Office Hours: By Appointment
In 1996 Dr. McCloud organized a Legal Clinic in order to educate court officials on such areas of Islamic law as it relates to Discrimination, Civil Law, and Human rights in regards to court issues relating to Muslim defendants. Dr. McCloud wants to stress to the court officials the Islamic view of when it is appropriate for a man to sexually or physically abuse his spouse for disobeying him, She also wants the courts to understand there are instances in Islam that it is appropriate to physically assault a Muslim child for refusing to pray.
In 1996 Depaul University sponsored and supported this conference. In addition CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper was briefed and requested to support this type training. Dr. McCloud wanted the courts to have a separate set of laws (Islamic/Sharia) for crimes committed by Muslims, and they should not be charged/judged under the same standards as a non Muslim. The reasoning and justification McCloud used was certain types of sexual abuse and physical assault is justified under Sharia Law and the U.S. courts should take this into consideration.
Dr. McCloud is simply an advocator and supporter of the same ideologies of Islamic Jihadists. Who will suffer if Dr. McCloud and CAIR supporters are authorized to implement these laws into our system. Children will suffer, women who do not agree with Sharia Law will suffer, and most importantly our country will suffer.
It is my opinion Depaul University should apologize and Dr. McCloud should be fired for advocating physical and sexual assaults against Muslim ladies and children. She owes the children an apology. I did contact Dr. McClouds office on 12 Dec 2008, but received no response. Sharia Law is being introduced into our Universities. Our young students are being brainwashed. Dr. McCloud and her supporters should be charged with advocating violence against innocent Muslim women and children.
Respectfully, Dave Gaubatz
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